Monday, August 12, 2019

Newport Beach, CA - The Southern Pacific LWC board now has the online volunteer sign-up available for individuals looking to support the Championship meet. The one day meet, happening in 12 weeks on November 2 in Orange County, will need approximately 60 volunteers to run.

LWC President Chris Amenta said on Monday, “The LWC board is excited about hosting this event in November, however we can’t run this meet on our own and we’re requesting our community come together to support the athletes competing. We’ll be looking for volunteers to support in the set-up the night before, as well as the day of in the various roles that all weightlifting meets require. Thank you to those who will be volunteering with us, we are thrilled to run this meet together!”

Assuming the board receives enough volunteers, they will be releasing the volunteer schedule well-prior to the meet so volunteers will know their schedule for the day.

Volunteer for the Championship HERE.

Southern Pacific LWC